Event Name:
North Pole Craft Fair

Event Date:
Event Time:
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM MST
Grace Best Education Center
66 Jefferson Street
Monument, CO 80132
Contact Person:
Robert Harrigan
(phone: 847-902-7664)
On December 7th the Monument Hill Kiwanis Club will sponsor the 18th annual North Pole Craft Fair. Last year the event (which is the same weekend as the Town of Monument's Small Town Christmas and tree lighting) drew more than 1,300 visitors to Grace Best Education Center at 66 N Jefferson St. in downtown Monument. Those shoppers chose from 63 vendors. Tri-Lakes Cares (a community-based, volunteer-supported, resource center is dedicated to improving people’s lives through emergency, self-sufficiency and relief programs) sponsored their popular Cookie Walk which sold 119 dozen Christmas cookies that netted $682.  Additionally, Tri-Lakes Cares, received $1,476 in cash donations as well as 638 pounds of food, toys and games.
All of these donations will have a significant impact on the Christmas experience for the families that Tri-Lakes Cares serves. We also received donations for “4 KidzSports” which included a variety of gently used sporting equipment.  All proceeds from booth fees help our Club fund a variety of Lewis Palmer School District 38 programs and scholarships. Bottom line…every net dollar earned is put back into our community to help kids!
Admission is free with a donation of nonperishable food item, cash, or a board game for Tri-Lakes Cares or a donation of a sporting goods item to "4KidsSports.Links: