Workforce Connections (WC) convenes the public workforce development system in Southern Nevada. As the Local Workforce Development Board, WC connects employers to a ready workforce through a network of One-Stop Career Centers that provide education, training, and employment opportunities. For more information on these resources,
A One-Stop Career Center provides a wide array of employment services and connects jobseekers to work-related training and education. Businesses can find skilled workers and access other supports, including education and training for their current workforce.
Each local area must have at least one comprehensive One-Stop that provides access to physical services of the core programs and other required programs.
WIOA Core Mandated One-Stop Partners:
- Adult Workers (Title I)
- Dislocated Workers (Title I)
- Youth (Title I)
- Adult Education and Family Literacy (Title II)
- Wagner Peyser Act Employment Services (Title III)
- Vocational Rehabilitation (Title IV)
WIOA Required One-Stop Partners
In addition to the core programs, for individuals with multiple needs to access the services, the following partner programs are required to provide access through the One-Stops:
- Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Post-Secondary
- Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
- Indian and Native American Programs
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Employment and Training Programs
- Job Corps
- Local Veterans’ Outreach Program
- National Farmworker Jobs Program
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
- Unemployment Compensation Programs
- YouthBuild (Chicanos Por Las Causa)