My dream is to capture your family for a lifetime. To tell your love story from the beginning of a new family, starting with your engagement and wedding. When your family grows, I want to be there for you in all the major milestones. And one day when your baby girl grows up and falls in love, I want to be there beside you watching her walk down the aisle to the man she loves and to capture every moment.
For my whole life I have loved photography. As a small child I loved posing for pictures, then as I grew up I began to prefer being behind the camera! I took pictures for the yearbook in high school, and then in college I bought my first SLR so I could take more pictures for my college yearbook and get paid per picture that was printed. That was my first photography "job". After under-grad I worked full time before going on to graduate school, and one day I took a roll of film into work. The pictures were of trees and flowers, no people. They were really pretty trees and flowers, which prompted one of my co-workers to ask me to shoot her wedding! The wedding was a year away, so I thought she would change her mind and get a "real" photographer, but I said "sure". Well, a few months later after I had started grad school she called and asked if I would still do it. I agreed, and the rest is history!
I still remember how that first day back in 2006 I was a total nervous wreck. Once I got to the hair salon to start shooting, I was cool as a cucumber. It felt like I was just meant to be a photographer, I loved it!! After a year of shooting for friends and a few referrals from friends, I started Creative Visions Photography in 2007. Don't tell any of my grad school professors, but my friend and I brainstormed the name during a lecture! I did get my Master of Science in Occupational Therapy despite my lack of interest in that particular lecture! I absolutely love working with kids as an OT, but my photography is a wonderful change of pace from my hectic schedule at work. When I am taking pictures I feel like all the craziness of my life just stops and I get to focus on the beauty of the moment that I am capturing. I am constantly amazed by the freedom and joy that I feel whenever I take pictures, or when I am looking back through pictures I have taken. Every time someone chooses me to be their photographer, I feel truly blessed to be entrusted with the honor of sharing in their lives.
In 2017, I am proud to say that I began entering print competition to help elevate my work to a higher level. The awards are great, but more important are the lessons learned through entering competition! Also in 2017, I became a Certified Professional Photographer! Check out my blog if you'd like to learn more about that!
When I'm not taking pictures or working as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, I love to run, hang out with my husband or with friends, and drink wine! I also love going to continuing education for both OT and Photography, I am a learning junkie! Also, every year my husband and I visit California wine country and it has become our home away from home!
That's me, Kim Lorenz and my company in a nutshell. I welcome any questions that you have and hope you enjoy looking at my work as much as I enjoy capturing images!!