Zion United Methodist Church

Welcome to Zion UMC, in the heart of Whitehouse! Not only are we located in the geographic heart of the community, we also seek to live out the values that form the “heart” of a healthy, vibrant community—values that affirm the dignity and sacred worth of all people and God’s creation. And, we address the needs that are at the heart of life in Whitehouse—the needs of the hungry, the needs of children and their families, and the need that all people have for a place where they can encounter God through faith in Jesus.

Zion UMC is a group of people redeemed by Jesus’ death and resurrection, all because of his love for us. None of us comes to the church or stays here because we are “good enough.” We come because we want to turn from our sinful, troublesome ways, accept the saving grace Jesus offers us, learn how to follow his life-giving path in worship and service, and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.