Custer Transfer Station

Custer Transfer Station with Custer County Recycling in the same building.

Physical Address:
43663 Ryno Road
Broken Bow, NE 68822
Mailing Address:
79849 Highway 2
Broken Bow, NE 68822
Monday through Friday
8:00 am through 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Closed on Major Holidays
*Closed over noon hour*

We accept cash or local checks only.
(other checks need approval from the main office)

Payment is due when services are rendered.
Also, if you use our services frequently, ask about setting up a charge account for monthly invoices rather than paying per use.

Services we offer:
Solid waste disposal for business and residential:
--We accept:

***We don’t accept chemicals, asbestos, hazardous waste/materials, toxic waste, contaminated material, ashes or burnt materials, and partially burned items -for safety reasons.

We recycle vehicles and scrap metal of all types (for iron and junk vehicles, call Myers Iron and Salvage @ 308-872-5469)

Construction and Demolition waste and refuse:

***Custer County Recycling in the same building: paper, cardboard, tin, and aluminum cans, plastic bottles -- Please rinse everything out before recycling!!

No glass, please!***

State Certified Weigh Scales:

Please give us a call, and we can answer any questions you have about specific restrictions or pricing.