Since 1856, Winous Point has been at the forefront of waterfowl and wetlands conservation. As steward of one of the largest wetlands remaining in the state of Ohio, Winous Points history of innovation provides a compelling example of the private contribution to wetland conservation. In Ohio, Winous Point helped pioneer establishment of wetland protection, restoration, and management strategies, academic research in wetlands, and migratory bird regulations.
Winous Point Marsh Conservancy's mission is to protect, restore, enhance, and wisely manage coastal wetlands and watersheds in southwest Lake Erie. Through a combination of private contributions and leveraged grant funds, the Winous Point Marsh Conservancy is working to aid and facilitate wetland conservation programs and research in cooperation with neighbors, state and federal agencies, and other non-profit conservation groups.
365 species of plants, and use by more than 300 species of birds (including 153 species of songbirds), and nearly all Lake Erie fishes have been documented in Ohio's coastal marshes. 60% of Ohio's 149 species of Threatened and Endangered wildlife are wetland-dependent. (source: ODNR)
Vision: The vision of the Winous Point Marsh Conservancy is to protect, restore and enhance wetland habitat and wildlife in the southwest Lake Erie region by serving as the advocate, practitioner, and educator.