My Place Hotels Nampa, Ford Idaho Center

My Place Hotels Nampa, Ford Idaho Center

Embrace the Comfort and Convenience of My Place

For the ultimate in convenience, comfort, and value, My Place is your perfect choice, whether you're on a short or extended trip! Whether your journey is driven by business or leisure, our Boise/Nampa, ID-Idaho Center hotel offers an extensive range of modern amenities designed to ensure your utmost comfort.

In each of our rooms, you'll discover plush pillow-top mattresses, luxurious microfiber bedding, and blackout curtains, all carefully selected to enhance your rest. Plus, for added convenience, every room comes equipped with My Kitchen, featuring a full-sized refrigerator, a two-burner cooktop, coffee maker, and microwave – everything you need to make yourself at home. And don't forget about our onsite laundry facilities, making it effortless to transform My Place into your cozy home away from home.

Before you settle in, make sure to explore My Store, where you'll find a diverse selection of food, beverages, and other items to elevate your stay.

And for those who crave the ultimate relaxation, be sure to inquire about our delightful Breakfast in Bed options!

Secure your reservation online today!