Recyclops Vernal

Recyclops Vernal

Welcome to Recyclops Vernal UT - Where Your Recycling Goes!

At Recyclops, we believe in transparency when it comes to the destination of your recycling. We want you to be informed about the journey your recycling takes after it's picked up. Once your bags are collected, they are transported to a nearby recycling facility. There, they undergo a comprehensive process of emptying, sorting, and processing. Through Recyclops, we divert waste that would typically end up in landfills and instead take it to a specialized facility for recycling!

Recycling Guidelines - Get Started on Your Recycling Journey

When you sign up with Recyclops, we provide you with our distinctive Recyclops bags for your recycling needs. Until you receive your roll of Recyclops bags, you can use your bags.

Here's a breakdown of our recycling guidelines:

  1. Blue Recyclops bags: These bags are meant for plastic, cans, small cardboard, and paper. No sorting is required for these recyclables.
  2. Yellow Recyclops bags: These bags are specifically designated for glass. Remember to remove all corks or lids before placing them in the bags. Please wait until your glass bags are full before putting them out on your curb.
  3. Large cardboard: You don't need to bag large cardboard. Just flatten it and place it under your bags.

Please note that we are unable to pick up recycling that isn't bagged, except for large flattened cardboard. Using our bags not only keeps recycling clean but also ensures the safety of our Recyclops drivers.

We Accept a Wide Range of Materials

At Recyclops, we accept various recycling materials, including:

Items We Don't Accept

To maintain the integrity of our recycling process and prioritize safety, we do not accept the following items:

Join Us in Our Recycling Efforts!

By choosing Recyclops, you're actively contributing to a sustainable future. Together, we can make a significant impact by reducing landfill waste and promoting recycling. Join us today and be part of the solution!