Lupus Research Foundation

The LRF is a new, progressive, energetic organization focused on finding a cure within 7 years. We are patient-run, and, through the Lupus Spiel, enjoy a worldwide reputation for raising awareness and having fun while doing it. Join us in the fight against lupus, and help find a cure.

Our Flagship Event is the Lupus Spiel. What Is It? The Lupus Spiel is a charity Professional-Amateur tournament designed to raise awareness and funds for lupus research by combining amateur curlers with Olympians and world-class curling champions. It is held across the country, with its largest and original location in Blaine, Minnesota, called “Lupus Spiel USA”. The Lupus Spiel is the largest tournament of its kind in the world. Curlers have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the cause. Click here for more information about the Lupus Spiel!