
Our Work

Ascencia is a nonprofit boutique-style homeless services agency and emergency shelter nestled in a quaint suburban neighborhood of Glendale, CA, serving 1,200 people in need every year.

Ascencia provides a range of services and housing to move homeless families and individuals in Glendale, Burbank, West Hollywood, East Hollywood, and the surrounding communities of Los Angeles off the streets and into their own homes. These programs include street outreach, 45 beds of year-round emergency housing for families and single adults, comprehensive case management services, on-site mental health care, including trauma therapy and psychiatry, and a financial literacy program. In 2019, we added a Housing Location Navigator responsible for developing relationships with property owners and landlords and identifying housing units in advance of need.

Ascencia augments its client-centered work with community volunteers who provide meals, enrichment activities (virtual bingo is very popular right now), and services such as haircuts and tutoring. The highly popular Guest Chef program ensures that Ascencia shelter residents receive a hot nutritious meal nightly, and gives the volunteers and shelter residents an opportunity for social interaction.

Our programs employ a whatever-it-takes approach to move families and individuals from homelessness to stability in permanent housing. We envision a community where people in need can access services and find safe, affordable housing. Our work begins with a fundamental respect for the dignity of the people we serve, driven by the persistent and unfailing belief that no one should be without a home.