Crown Battery

Established in 1926 Crown Battery has been manufacturing quality products for over 95 years. With a nationwide network of agents and factory branches, Crown Battery has the ability to support your business in a professional and timely manner. Always exploring new technologies and continuously working to improve our current technologies, Crown Battery is the Power Behind Performance!

Hal Hawk, president of Crown Battery, has over 30 years of experience in the battery industry. The companys manufacturing, quality, and commercial leadership have over 200 years of combined experience in the battery industry. Our company relies on this experience along with client input to serve our global customers.

We aspire to make the world a better place by providing the power that makes life easier and raises standards of living, health, and safety for the communities we serve. Whether its providing RE system reserve power required by people living out of reach of the electrical grid or helping battery manufacturers in developing countries recognize their responsibility to the environment, Crowns approach to corporate citizenship emphasizes our commitment to people, our planet, and defines who we are and how we conduct business.