Koinonia = Christian Fellowship—KSC encourages & equips families, the church, and community in outreach to home-bound seniors, wherever they call home.
Koinonia (coin-oh-knee-uh) means fellowship. Koinonia Senior Care believes that the value of Christian fellowship is a crucial component in our CARE ministry, enriching the social, spiritual, and significance needs of those we serve. A bond begins to deepen and grow beyond the external services, to the heart and soul. Not all of our clients share our faith, but they know up front that KSC is built on a Judeo-Christian foundation – a calling – to serve others in the name of Jesus, an extension of who we are as Christians, and why we do what we do.
At Koinonia Senior Care, we believe that the family is the first source of assistance. Studies and experience have highlighted the physical toll caregiving puts on the primary caregiver. They need others to walk through this season of life with them. We serve alongside the family and church to provide encouragement, respite, and resources. We also assist those who have uninvolved or long-distance families by providing companionship they can trust and turn to for their nonmedical CARE needs.