Morton Township

Mortons first township meeting was held on April 2, 1850, in the home of W.W. Campbell, one of two brothers who owned land on both sides of Main Street in the original business section of Morton.

Officers elected at this meeting were Horace H. Clark, Jr., supervisor; Eri Gray, town clerk; Charles R. Crandall, assessor; and James M. Campbell, overseer of the poor. Other township officers named at this first meeting were three commissioners, two justices of the peace, two constables, and a collector.

Early Morton Township meetings were held in various locations, such as the Campbell home, the schoolhouse, and the Library Hall. At a meeting held in the post office on April 1, 1873, a site for a township building was selected; and $1,000 was appropriated for the 24x36 foot one-story structure.