Hassayampa River Preserve

At Hassayampa River Preserve you may see any one of the 280 species of birds living, nesting, or migrating along the riparian corridor.

Perched atop the massive trees and dead snags are some of Arizonas rarest raptors, like the zone-tailed hawk, the black hawk, and the Harris hawk. Lucky birders may sight a Mississippi kite or the elusive yellow-billed cuckoo.

Trails at the Hassayampa are self-guided, leading you along the lush river bottoms, across the rivers floodplain, through majestic cottonwood-willow forests and dense mesquite bosques (the Spanish word for forest) found only near-desert waterways. On your walk, a brilliant vermilion flycatcher or an Aberts towhee on the wing might catch your eye. Also, a part of the trail system is a loop around Palm Lake where waterfowl, otherwise uncommon in the desert, are a major attraction.