Construction Monitor

Construction Monitor is the industry source for accurate, timely, and complete building permit information in the United States. Our construction leads include key project data to help to build professionals, general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers better target and reach new customers.

As the industry leader on the actual residential, commercial, pool, and solar permit counts Construction Monitor:

- Bases raw data solely on permit applications. 
- It provides a detailed, searchable data interface.
- Collects tens of thousands of permits on a weekly basis.
- It offers historical data on millions of permits.

In today’s ever-changing market, accurate building permit data yields valuable information that provides analysts with a dynamic data source for market forecasting, quantitative research, and economic analysis. Housing activity is a key economic indicator to consider before making critical data-driven decisions. As a timely and accurate data source, Construction Monitor guides strategic planning and important investment decisions for many businesses.